<- Home | Howard Dean impersonation (length: 00:29) -> | A state of affairs! (length: 02:11) -> | getting hurt (length: 00:23) -> | One Tree Hill set tour - Sophia Bush and Jame Laff... -> | Border Patrol Speech (length: 00:11) -> | Presidente Chávez respondió a EEUU (length: 00:17) -> | Bboxin' en Basanta Films (length: 01:06) -> | The Situation - Litmus Test (length: 01:27) -> | Pentagon Strike (length: 05:41) -> | O Diário de Um Panaca - Episódio 2 - O Papel Doidã... ->

Bush Jumping Part 1 (length: 02:31)

Me (Taran), Sparky and Adam jumping into bush'es lol.
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